About me

I have a PhD in Economics; my research is about economic growth, development, international finances, banking and empirical econometrics. Here’s a quick taste of what you’ll find here… Proven evidence on the main factors of economic growth in South America, determinants of income inequality and other empirical literature on economic history in South America, Euro area and other OECD countries.

While I was working at the Minister of Planning and Development at Bolivia back in 2006, I decided to complete my education. The same year in Madrid, I enrolled as a student at Carlos III University of Madrid, and know many interesting people and professors that years later have become my academic and professional references; even now I keep contact with many of them for guide and collaboration.

In 2007, I started working as an Associate Researcher at the Lawrence Klein Institute at the Autonoma University of Madrid, where I continued with a Master in Public Policies, definitively, I can say that being part of the Gauss Centre under the supervision of Professor Coro Chasco, I discover my interest in econometrics, applied statistics and wrangling data bases.

For my beginnings in academic research, I picked up South America as my research theme; I guess it was by the influence of Professor Joan Roses, my thesis director (Carlos III University of Madrid), where I found the courage to find my own conclusions about the economic growth processes in the region.

In March of 2009, I decided to construct a new annual database including more than 30 growth determinants for the ten most important South American economies that was used for my PhD dissertation. Three original papers constitute my PhD dissertation, which is entitled “Economic disparities in South America: New historical evidence on immiserizing growth”.

I also have experience in the private sector that has benefited me with many new experiences, skills to business communication with collegues and the opportunity to write economic notes for important business leaders (National Chamber of Commerce).

Inside the family business, it has enlightened me in the interesting and sometimes hard working experience of the real state sector and interior decoration. I learnd that living entrepreneurially is about working smarter, quickly, harder, and living better without restrictions.

I enjoy spending time among my hobbies, landscaping photography (every time I have the opportunity to travel), coffee, as well as any outdoor activity. My favorite exercises are: body-building, cycling, and recently I enjoy cross-fit.


  • Guest columnist, VOXLACEA (August 2019 – ongoing).
  • ECONRES Research Group (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) – Associate Researcher, (August 2013 – ongoing).
  • Member of the International Institute of Public relations, Management & Business, Nº Reg. 201611031187, (2016-11).
  • Refeereing/Reviewer for The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (March 2012 - ongoing); Journal of Economics and International Business Management (April 2015 – ongoing); Asian Research Policy (October 2011 - ongoing).